viernes, 9 de marzo de 2012

English Lesson: Misery Loves Company

PRELISTENING: Read the introduction below and then listen to the audio.

Themes: Friend, Soap Opera
When you’re sad, there is nothing more annoying than happiness around. You don’t want to hear happy music or watch a happy movie. You don’t even want happy people around you.
In fact, when you’re miserable, the best way to feel better is often to listen to sad music, watch a sad film or hang out with other people who are also sad. This is the meaning of the English saying, “misery loves company.”
When we last saw Devan, she and her fiance Jason had just broken up. Her friend and co-worker Mason has been in love with a woman for some time who does not love him back. Find out if they can cheer each other up.

Devan is miserable because her wedding was cancelled. Mason is sad because Ella doesn’t love him back. Devan suggests that they hang out together, since misery loves company.
At first, Mason misunderstands and thinks that Devan wants to date him. She explains that spending time with another sad person might make them both feel better. She says she wants to watch a sad movie in which the characters feel awful at the end. Mason joins her to watch the movie and cry.
Do you think it’s true that misery loves company? How do you make yourself feel better when you’re sad?

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