martes, 6 de septiembre de 2011

/tʃ/: church, match, nature /dʒ/: judge, age, soldier /ʒ/: pleasure, vision

        English spelling pronunciation system is sometimes very confusing.  In fact there are two English languages - the Written English and the Spoken or Phonetic English.  But if you really want to communicate, which means speak, understand, read and write English, you have to deal with both of them.
Consonant chance, achieve, catch, mutual

jungle, judge, logic, procedure
Consonant visual, casual, usual, garage,

Contrast the difference between  /dʒ/: judge, age, soldier and /tʃ/ church, match, nature in this BBC video.

Then pay attention to  /ʒ/ as in pleasure or vision Watch this video

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